Virginia Museum of Transportation 
Virginia Museum of Transportation 
Color Studies
By starting with a regular photograph that I had taken of an egg I used the application of color theory to add artistic value and recreate the piece.
To showcase my understanding of Color Theory both technically and aesthetically further I used Adobe Illustrator to demonstrate three color schemes within mandalas.
Proverbial Wisdom
For this Proverbial Wisdom assignment I chose to use a monochromatic color scheme of blues to produce an emotional connection to Proverbs 3:31.  This final product uses the fonts Fit and Voluta Script Pro along with an asymmetrically balanced format to make an appealing and sharable graphic.
Japanese Notan
For the Japanese Notan project I brainstormed 16 creative ways to combine the art of Notan with symmetry. 
Final Japanese Notan
I chose this design for my final Notan because of its symbolism of peace and balance. I then created this piece with only an X-Acto knife and paper that is full of asymmetrical balance.
DDN-101 Portfolio


DDN-101 Portfolio
